Gum Disease and Diabetes
Periodontitis and diabetes are both chronic diseases that modulate each other. That is, they can exacerbate each other, each making the other more severe. Diabetes can have a negative effect on periodontal health and periodontal disease can increase the need for insulin in diabetics.
Periodontal Disease Has a Negative Effect on Diabetic Control
Periodontal disease is an infection that, like any infection, can make it hard to keep blood sugar under control. Increased blood sugar levels can result in an increased risk for diabetic complications such as harm to the eyes, nerves, kidneys, and other important organs. But studies have shown that treatment of periodontal disease can reduce the need for insulin in diabetics. So, by treating and controlling the periodontal infection, a person also is controlling insulin need and diabetes.
Poor Diabetic Control Has a Negative Effect on Periodontal Health
Compared to non-diabetics, people with poorly-controlled diabetes (those with blood glucose levels above normal) are more likely to develop periodontal abscesses and other oral infections. The longer someone has diabetes, the more likely they are to have periodontal disease. And if the person smokes and has poorly-controlled diabetes, the risk of developing periodontal disease is even greater.
Poor diabetic control can affect the gum tissue in two ways. One is the result of the thickening of the blood vessels that occurs with diabetes. This results in a reduction of oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues and a diminished ability of the immune system to fight infection, including periodontal disease. The second is because many of the bacteria that cause oral infection thrive on the sugar linked to diabetes (glucose). Poor diabetic control can actually feed the bacteria that cause periodontal disease.
Oral symptoms associated with poor diabetic control include:
- Increased tooth mobility
- Dry mouth that can increase the risk for ulcers, root cavities, and infections
- Infections that take longer to heal and are more severe
These symptoms can all be managed with control of blood glucose and improved periodontal health. If the diabetes is well controlled and blood sugar level is within the normal range, the risk of developing periodontal disease is not greater than in people who don't have diabetes. On the flip side, treating periodontal disease reduces the need for insulin on people that have diabetes.
To prevent complications from periodontal disease and diabetes, it is important to maintain normal blood sugar levels and periodontal health. Follow the diet and medication guidelines supplied by your physician and see your dental care provider routinely for periodontal screenings and professional cleanings. Meticulous plaque control is critical. If you have diabetes, your dentist needs to know what your blood glucose level is before starting any dental surgical procedures, and although abscesses and acute dental infections should be treated as soon as possible, non-emergency dental treatment should be postponed until the blood glucose is well controlled.
By Laura Minsk, DMD
Periodontics: Uses of Periodontic Dental Lasers
Since their introduction in the 1960's, laser use in medicine and dentistry has increased steadily, and it's been no different in Periodontics. The CO2 and the Nd:YAG lasers have both received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for soft tissue surgery and are the most commonly used lasers in dentistry. A dental laser work by delivering concentrated beams of light strong enough to cut through tissue.
Pros & Cons of Dental Lasers
The popularity of lasers results from claims that dental laser gum treatment is painless. Although the FDA has not permitted the manufacturer of any laser to make that claim, the general experience described by patients is that there is less pain and swelling after laser treatment compared to conventional oral surgery. Local anesthesia for pain control is still required during laser surgery.
Another advantage of the laser is that it causes less bleeding in the area of surgery than traditional oral surgery techniques. This is especially helpful in the oral cavity, which has an abundant blood supply. The laser decreases bleeding by sealing the blood vessels at the surgical wound. On the flip side, this can delay healing and create a less stable wound.
Application of Lasers in Periodontal Treatment
The application of lasers in periodontal treatment is restricted to the removal of gum tissue to reduce pocket depth, or for some minor periodontal plastic surgery procedures. These surgeries can be easily performed with traditional instruments without the additional high cost of dental laser treatment.
More recently, lasers have been evaluated for use in scaling and root planing. But in a research study recently published in the Journal of Periodontology, laser therapy appeared to be less effective than traditional scaling and root planing treatment. In fact, research has not conclusively shown that laser therapy is effective in removing the tartar that has accumulated under the gum line and can actually damage the surfaces of teeth and the bone. This damage could delay healing and the ability of the gum tissue to reattach to the root surface.
For all these reasons, the American Academy of Periodontology is concerned about misleading claims regarding the use of lasers in periodontics. It is important to remember that laser treatment in periodontics is limited to soft tissue (gum) for periodontal surgery and that the laser beam should not touch the tooth or bone. Anesthesia is required during dental laser treatment, and dental laser treatment may be more expensive than traditional surgical procedures.
By Laura Minsk, DMD